Can you get All-on-4 with Sedation Dentistry?

Can you get All-on-4 with Sedation Dentistry?

When people come to get All-on-4 or any other dental implant treatment in Cancun, they ask if its going to hurt and if they can be put to sleep during the surgery. We always reassure our patients that All-on-4 only requires local anesthesia but you might opt for Sedation Dentistry. We have a licensed anesthesiologist for this purpose.

The first thing you should know is that Sedation Dentistry is NOT general anesthesia, which means you won’t be put to sleep but you won’t remember a thing of what’s happening and you will be able to follow the doctor’s directions during the surgery. You will stay awake in a haze and you might slur your words a bit.

Who can get Sedation Dentistry?

  • People with anxiety problems
  • People afraid of the dentist
  • People with a low pain threshold
  • People with sensitive gag reflex
  • People afraid of needles
  • People who will get a lot of dental work done
  • People with movement problems (ejem. Parkinson, cerebral palsy, etc)
  • People with autism, alzheimer or similar. This would make the experience to be as smooth as possible without the stressing them.

In all cases, the doctor will still need to evaluate your medical history to see if you have any other conditions that might have to be taken into account to decide if you can get Sedation Dentistry without further problems.

These are some conditions we need to know in advance:

  • Heart conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Liver and Kidney diseases
  • Respiratory problems
  • Previous surgeries
  • Currently pregnant
  • Use of antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications
  • Allergies


The doctor will speak with you and work together to see if the sedation dentistry is the best option for you. Also, after the surgery you might need to go back to your hotel and rest, or wait at our clinic. You shouldn’t drive after dentistry sedation and we can arrange transportation for you if you come on your own.

The post Can you get All-on-4 with Sedation Dentistry? appeared first on All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico.

from All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico
Are you losing your teeth to stress? Demi Moore is losing them too!

Are you losing your teeth to stress? Demi Moore is losing them too!


As we have talked before, stress can affect your teeth in horrible ways. Just some days ago we also found out a big example of this issue when Demi Moore came forward to explain her dental problems on TV:

“I sheared off my front teeth. I’d love to say it was skateboarding or something really kind of cool, but I think it’s something that’s important to share because I think it’s literally, probably after heart disease, one of the biggest killers in in America, which is stress. Stress sheared off my front tooth. But, in an effort to get ready for you, I wanted to make sure my teeth were in”

What’s the reason behind this?? Well, stress and anxiety have a great effect on our teeth and it’s called daytime bruxism. This condition means that people will grind or clench their teeth when they are worried. Even with molars withstanding between 171-275 pounds per inch, the constant pressure through out the day means the structure of the outer-layer of the  teeth (enamel) can be compromised and fissure or even be broken. Once you start losing teeth because of bruxism and it’s not properly addressed by a dentist, it’s very likely that the contiguous teeth will be also affected because the remaining pressure will fall on them. This is a domino effect with your teeth! There are many people who suffer from this condition and end up with almost no teeth. For this reason, All-on-4 can be the solution you are looking for to restore the teeth you have lost.

When you come to our dental clinic in Cancun, Doctor German Arzate will review your dental history with you and analyse all the problems you had to ensure All-on-4 dental implants the right treatment for you. In any case, we applaud Demi Moore for coming forward and shed some light on this important matter.

The post Are you losing your teeth to stress? Demi Moore is losing them too! appeared first on All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico.

from All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico
Care of your All-on-4 treatment!

Care of your All-on-4 treatment!

Guess what! One of our happy patients was back for his yearly All-on-4 cleaning routine and we are happy to see her again! One of the most important thing when getting All-on-4 dental implants is to make sure to give it the best care so it can last for many years to come. You should clean your All on 4 teeth like they were your natural teeth, brushing three times a day (after every meal), as well as using a water irrigator if possible to clean under the dental prostheses from any food debris that might be stuck.


It is extremely important to do this because the plaque keeps building up over the surface of your false teeth. This is why a professional dental maintenance is required at least once a year. Coming to Cancun for your vacation would be the best chance to do it with the experts.  If you are looking to clean your All on 4 prostheses on USA or Canada, you must make sure the dentists is an experienced doctor with knowledge of the All-on-4 protocol.  Doctor German Arzate is an experts on many kinds of dental implant techniques and has extensive All on 4 training and the best facilities. In fact, we are about to move to a new location! We will move to a larger area within the same  shopping mall, at walking distance. We always seek to provide you with the BEST service and experience during your dental treatment in Cancun. Stay tuned on our social media to check the photos of our new clinic as soon as we finish moving, so make sure to give us a like in Facebook and follow us on twitter!



If you have any other question or you are interested on learning more about the All on 4 protocol or our other implant denture alternatives, don’t hesitate to call toll free 1800-701-6039.



The post Care of your All-on-4 treatment! appeared first on All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico.

from All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico