All on 4 in Cancun activities: Spring Equinox!

All on 4 in Cancun activities: Spring Equinox!

When it comes to dental implant vacations in Cancun, there are several activities that you cannot miss, depending on the season.

In many places in Mexico are festivals that take place to celebrate the beginning of spring and if you’re in Cancun for an All on 4 dental implants procedure on or around the date of the spring equinox, this is something that you don’t want to miss and you can do it between appointments.

Right at the beginning of the spring, there’s an astronomical event called equinox in which the plane of Earth’s equator passes through the center of the Sun. The word equinox means “equal night” because during this event the length of the night is the same as the day.

In the mayan culture, thrived in its studies of the stars and skies, using the changing seasons and celestial bodies to design pyramids and create their famous calendars, the spring equinox as been a spiritual celebration for the Mayans for centuries, and even today. Is celebrated as time of fertility and regeneration and during this event at the ancient Mayan city of Chichén Itzá, the Temple of Kukulkán also called “El Castillo” (The Castle) spreads out a visual symbol of the day and the night as the sun of the afternoon creates the visual illusion of the plumed serpent god, Kukulkán, slithering along the steps of the pyramid (one of the most striking buildings in Chichen Itzá. It is dedicated to Kukulkán, the Plumed Serpent). The effect begins in the late afternoon, but he serpent appears for a few days – from around March 19th to the 23rd.

The pyramid boast 92 steps on all four sides, totaling 364 and when added with the final step, the platform temple at the top, the steps equal the number of days in a calendar year. The Mayans were master mathematicians, architects and astronomers.

Each year, many patients that come to get Dental implants in Cancun, visit the Mayan archaeological site of Chichen Itzá, that is the most popular spot in Mexico to celebrate the spring equinox and enjoy this spectacular event.

Now you know one of the things you have to do when you come for your All on 4 in Cancun! Remember that All on 4 is a screw retained, non removable and palate-less bridge over Nobel Biocare dental implants. This amazing and innovative treatment will give you the perfect anchorage for eat, speak and laugh without having any embarrassing denture accident!

Take the first step, come for your All on 4 dental implants in Cancun, and you will never regret it!

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from All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico
Dental Implants History & Nobel Biocare

Dental Implants History & Nobel Biocare

Replacing lost natural teeth with dental implants to overcome the problem of loosing teeth has been an option for a very long time. But why people loose their teeth? Who came up with the idea of replace the lost ones with dental implants?

Most people lose their adult teeth because of neglect on their oral hygiene, because other lifestyle or environment that places them at high risk of decay or destructive gum disease. Genetics can also increase the risk of gum disease, also smoking and poor glucose control in diabetes patients may lead to loose their teeth.

If you combine all this with poor oral hygiene then tooth loss is a real possibility.

Destructive gum disease or periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and is the most common chronic inflammatory disease in humans, it makes the gums pull away from the teeth and form spaces that become infected and bacterial toxins and the immune system break down the bone and tissue system supporting the teeth.

Since ancient times, dental implants have been the best option.

Screw-in teeth are not a feat of modern dentistry. Archaeological evidence suggests the ancient Chinese bamboo to replace lost teeth. The purpose of these early implants was to restore an aesthetic smile (in life or after death). Dental implants have alto been dated back to the Mayans in 600 AD, also Ancient Egyptian and Celtic remains have revealed precious metals, ivory and even other human teeth used as dental implants.

A landmark discovery in the bio-engineering of dental implants came in 1952 when Per-Ingvar Brånemark, a Swedish orthopaedic surgeon studying the biology of bone healing, discovered that he was unable to remove implants of pure titanium cylinders that appeared to have integrated with the surrounding bone after healing. The titanium seemed to attract bone formation onto its surface and the term osseo-integration was born.

In 1978, the Swedish health authorities approved the insertion of dental implants for clinical purposes, and Brånemark entered into a partnership with Bofors to industrialize his ideas and bring them to a broader market. A new company, Bofors Nobelpharma (later Nobelpharma), was founded in 1981 in Gothenburg, Sweden to commercialize Professor Brånemark’s findings. The company launched a number of new products including abutments, drilling equipment and an instrument kit and after the FDA approval for titanium implants, in 1983, Nobelpharma USA Inc. was established.

At the turn of the decade, osseointegration, as an observed process, was 25 years old. In 1990, Brånemark System was registered as a trademark in the US. In 1993, in need of further sources of funding to continue its expansion and growth plans, Nobelpharma was listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 1994. In 1996, the company changed its name to Nobel Biocare.

As the pioneer of dental implants and science-based evidence, Nobel Biocare have long played a unique role contributing to innovation within the dental implant industry and they own the one-and-only All-on-4® treatment concept for efficient and reliable full-arch solutions, invented by Dr. Paulo Maló.

Here in CancunDr. Germán Arzate is the only doctor who was trained by Dr. Paulo Maló (inventor of All on 4 protocol) and certified by Nobel Biocare to perform the All on 4 treatments concept. We are committed our patients health that’s why we only use the best materials and most advanced trainings related to implant dentistry.

Let us help you recover your confidence! If you want more information about us or the All on 4 treatment concept, call us toll free 1 800-701-6039, our dental planners will be more that happy to assist you!

The post Dental Implants History & Nobel Biocare appeared first on All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico.

from All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico
Can Periodontal disease affect my All-on-4 implants?

Can Periodontal disease affect my All-on-4 implants?



Periodontal disease is one of the main causes for tooth loss in adults.
It can be a minor inflammation in some áreas of the gum and in other cases, can be a severe booth and bone damage for bacterial infection. Adults who smoke, have diabetes or take some medications can be at higher risk of developing periodontal disease, wich is a condition of the gum, with become inflamed, pulls tisue from the teeth and form bone pockets; the debris in those pockets can cause more inflammation and bacterias infection that might lead to tooth loss.

Can dental implants slow the progress?

The determining factor to know if dental implants are the right tratment for your gum disease is boneloss. Even when tooth loss might be inevitable, dental implants might be an effective treatment for halting or slowing the progress but it all depends on how much jaw bone has been affected by periodontal disease.


All on 4

All on 4 treatment works with only 4 dental implants on your jawbone. Its a mínimum invasive treatment with increased stability. This treatment can also be used in patients who suffered significant bone loss.

If you’e thinking about getting all on 4, its important to keep a proper dental higiene and profesional care during Jans after your dental Implant surgery. When implants are placed, the gum is opened up and the tissue and bones are exposed to bacterial infection, so taking good care of your gums before and after your Implant sugery is essential to make sure that your All on 4 protect and improve your dental health.

If you need more information about all on 4 or want a free evaluation, contact us!

The post Can Periodontal disease affect my All-on-4 implants? appeared first on All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico.

from All On 4 Implants Cancun Mexico